How to File For Full Custody of a Child?

If you want to get full custody of a child, you’ll need to convince a court that you are the right parent. While many courts will offer mediation services, some don’t, and you’ll have to prove it in court. To do so, courts look at several factors to determine who deserves full custody. These factors vary by state and can be found in the legislature’s statutes and court opinions issued by state supreme courts. 

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Extraordinary circumstances to ask for custody of a child 

A person can ask the court for full custody of a child if they have a significant role in the child’s life. These people do not have to be the child’s parents. They can also ask for custody under a situation called “extraordinary circumstances.” These situations include a parent’s neglect or abuse, abandonment, or imprisonment, or some other serious act that affects the child’s well-being. 

In order to qualify as “extraordinary circumstances,” the child must have experienced a prolonged separation from their biological parent for at least 24 months. This separation can have occurred when the child was in the care of a grandparent or other relative. However, even if the child was with a grandparent for only a few months, the court may still find extraordinary circumstances. 

Filing a request for order in a family law case in the child’s “home state” 

Filing a request for order in resolving child custody matters in the child’s “home state” is one way to make sure your child gets the custody and visitation arrangements he or she needs. As a general rule, “home state” means the state in which the child has lived continuously for six months or more prior to the custody proceeding. This includes temporary absences by the custodial parent. The court that makes custody decisions in a child custody case in that state is known as the issuing court. 

Filing a request for order in n non-home state is possible under certain circumstances, including emergencies. For example, if a parent cannot properly care for a child, or if the child’s well-being is at stake. In these situations, the state court will make an emergency custody order, although it will only be temporary. 

Serving the petition and summons to both parents 

If you are filing for full custody of a child, serving the petition and summons to both parents is crucial. The court will require proof of service, which can be provided by a private process server or by a sheriff. Depending on the jurisdiction in which you file the case, the other parent can be served by phone, email, or social media. However, you must follow the judge’s order for service to be valid. 

The first step in serving the petition and summons is serving them personally to the other parent. This is the most common and reliable method of service. Alternatively, the summons may be mailed to the respondent. In these cases, it is important that the respondent acknowledges jurisdiction and complies with any order of the court. 

Changing a custody order after a court order is made 

If you wish to change a custody order after a court order has been made, you must show that there has been a material change in circumstances. The change must have happened after the previous custody judgment, or the last time a Court issued a custody order. The court will consider the custody order that was entered before the change, and will apply that order as the new custody order. Courts prefer to have a stable custody order, so it’s important to show that you have good cause for the change. 

A court can also change a custody order if the custodial parent relocates. A change of location is not considered a significant reason to change a custody order, but the court will consider it when deciding the future of a child.