What Questions to Ask a Family Law Attorney?

Whether you are contemplating a divorce or looking for a lawyer to help you through the process, there are a number of questions you should be asking. These questions can give you a general idea of whether you are making the right decision and can help you find the right family law attorney. 

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First and foremost, you should ask a prospective family lawyer about the law. It’s a good idea to find out whether or not they are familiar with the law and whether or not they are up to date on new developments. You also should ask if they have experience with similar cases. Typically, a family law attorney will have experience handling a variety of cases. If you want to hire a lawyer who specializes in family law, be sure to choose one with a strong track record of litigation and successful appeals. Ask your lawyer if they are willing to mediate your case in order to avoid going to court. 

Your attorney should also be able to tell you about court processes, including what you can expect during the trial process. They should also be able to give you an estimate on how long it will take for the court to process your case. If your lawyer cannot give you a good estimate, then they may not be up to date on legal requirements. 

You should also find out how frequently you will hear from your lawyer. Some lawyers prefer to contact you via email, others may prefer to contact you through phone calls. It’s important to find out how often you will hear from your lawyer so you can decide whether you want to work with them.