BYU Law Professor Who Wrote First Draft of Proclamation on the Family 

BYU law professor Richard Wilkins is a renowned family policy expert. He founded the World Family Policy Center at BYU’s J. Reuben Clark Law School and ran it from 1999 to 2008. During this time he also founded the Doha International Family Institute and worked on it until 2012. Wilkins had a passion for family policy and was proud to support the LDS Church’s family values.

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The success of cohabitation research 

The success of cohabitation is dependent on the quality of the relationships between the couples. Many couples who cohabitate do so to marry one day. However, cohabitation has its drawbacks, including the likelihood of divorce and lower marital satisfaction. In addition, research shows that cohabitation is not a guarantee of marriage, and many couples end up breaking up. 

Several studies have found a connection between attitudes and behavior, and the outcomes of marriage and cohabitation. However, it is not clear what the causes are. Axinn and Barber studied attitudes toward marriage and divorce and found that attitudes correlated with behaviors. Rosenfeld and Roesler also studied the effects of cohabitation on short-term outcomes. 

LDS Church’s position on traditional family roles 

The LDS Church has a strong position on traditional family roles. It supports the concept of marriage as a sacred union and believes that children are entitled to be born and raised in matrimonial bonds with faithful parents. It has been working to preserve the family structure that God designed. It has issued a Proclamation on the Family, which states how the Church should live. Its website contains information on the family life of Latter-day Saints. 

In the Mormon Church, male and female gender roles complement each other. For example, raising children is sacred stewardship that draws a couple closer to God and brings the highest blessings and responsibilities. Although the Church does not give explicit guidance on family planning, the church encourages childbearing. Mormon women have higher fertility rates than non-Mormon women. 

LDS Church’s response to the national women’s movement 

In 1978, the LDS Church added a conference session just for women. It was originally scheduled two weeks before the October general conference, but it was later changed to one week. In April 2013, women were allowed to give prayers at a general conference for the first time. However, this did not change the aversion of LDS Church leaders to feminist movements. 

Mormons have long been critical of the feminist movement, citing Boyd K. Packer’s list of three “dangers” to their faith. As a result, self-described Mormon feminists have had a rough ride over the last several decades. In recent years, the Mormon church has taken a more nuanced stance on feminism, but it does not endorse it. 

LDS Church’s position on gay marriage 

While the LDS Church has remained steadfastly opposed to gay marriage for decades, a new policy could change that. According to Church President Russell M. Nelson, “the policy on same-sex marriage, which was repealed earlier this year, was based on the principle of love.” The goal of this policy was to prevent friction between gay couples and their children. 

Although the LDS Church still opposes gay marriage and same-sex unions, it has been politically active in recent years on both issues. Last year, leaders of the LDS Church helped pass a compromise bill in Utah that protects LGBT people from discrimination and protects religious institutions from criticism of their beliefs. In January of this year, a top LDS official issued a major speech on the issue.