Having Custody of a Child When You Are Not Married?
Having custody of a child when you are not married is a big deal. It can be a lot of stress for both parents. However, it is important to understand that it is in the best interest of the child for both parents to be involved. In some cases, this may require a bit of proactive planning.
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When deciding who will take care of the child, the court will make decisions based on what is in the best interest of the child. The most obvious way to do this is to place the child in the care of the parent who is legally responsible. This can vary from state to state, but in most places, it is the mother.
This doesn’t mean that the father has no right to the child. For example, if the father is abusive, a judge might refuse to give him visitation rights. On the other hand, a mother with an exclusive custody arrangement could keep the child away from the father.
A court might also award the mother a protective order. This type of order protects the rights of vulnerable children. This is especially true if the child has been abused or neglected. In some states, the court might even appoint an investigator from the Child and Family Support Services to assist with the case. The courts will use published guidelines in most cases. This may be the case in a divorce case, where the court will refer to these guidelines in making its decision.
The court can also make a child support decision on the basis of the age of the child. For example, if the child is young, the court might decide to grant the noncustodial parent the right to contribute to childrearing costs. This is because, while a child is younger, they are more likely to be better off in a single household. The court may not make a decision if the child is too old.
The court will also consider the child’s wishes. For example, older children may have specific desires as to whom they would like to spend time with. The court might choose to ignore these wishes, or it might give the child’s mother or father visitation rights.
In some cases, the court might choose to award joint physical custody. This means that the child will live with both parents for half the week. This is an interesting decision, as it might allow the child to live a life that is more suitable to both parents’ lifestyles.
The court might also impose a schedule for visitation. This is the most important part of a court decision, because it allows the parents to communicate and remain informed about what is happening with their child. In most states, the court will allow the parents to propose their own plan, but most judges will be willing to approve the proposal if they find it to be reasonable.
The best advice for parents whose marriages are ending is to work together to make the best decisions for their children. This might involve joint custody, or it might be a simple decision for each parent to provide their children with the love and attention that they deserve.