Does hiring a divorce attorney offer protection from potential manipulation or coercion by your spouse?
Divorce Attorneys: How to Offer Protection From Potential Manipulation Or Coercion?
When someone files for divorce, they usually hire a lawyer to represent them. Divorce attorneys are skilled at handling legal matters involving separation from a spouse and often negotiate with opposing parties. Their experience allows them to see the big picture and offer options that a party might not have considered. However, there are some unscrupulous tactics used to gain an advantage in a divorce case. Some of these include conflicting out and threatening to report an undocumented spouse to the authorities. These tactics can leave a spouse with very few options for adequate legal representation.
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Conflicting Out:
Professional ethics dictate that once an attorney speaks with one party in a divorce, no other attorneys in their firm can speak to that same person about the matter. However, some unscrupulous attorneys try to take advantage of this rule to limit the number of attorneys in a city that can effectively handle their client’s case.
They may do this by making appointments at all of the most reputable law firms in the area to “conflict out” the other party. By doing this, they reduce the number of attorneys that could potentially work on a case and make it difficult for their client to find another qualified attorney to handle their matter.
Often, threats to a co-parent during a divorce revolve around children. This is one of the main reasons people cite for leaving toxic or abusive relationships, as they worry about how their decision to get a divorce will affect their children. For instance, a husband or wife might threaten to take away custody or visitation rights for the other spouse as a way to control them and manipulate their behavior.
Some abusers also attempt to use their immigration status against the victim of domestic violence. For example, if an individual is not a citizen and reports their spouse to the authorities, they risk being deported and losing their legal rights. Unfortunately, this is a common tactic that abusers employ to discourage their spouse from filing for a divorce or taking action against them.
The best way to protect yourself from a spouse’s manipulative behavior is to interview multiple divorce lawyers before hiring one. During these meetings, ask each candidate about their strategy for your case and what they believe would be the most beneficial approach for you. Also, be sure to clarify the cost of their services so you are not surprised by any hidden fees down the road. Ultimately, choosing an attorney that you feel confident will take an aggressive or collaborative approach to your case is the most important thing to consider in this process. For more information, call the experienced New York City divorce attorneys at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman today. We can schedule a consultation to discuss your unique circumstances. We understand that the divorce process is difficult and complicated, but we can help you through it with compassion and care. Call our office to schedule a free evaluation today.