How can a divorce lawyer help you with divorce mediation?
If you’re facing a divorce, you may be wondering how a divorce lawyer can help you with divorce mediation. Divorce lawyers are trained to handle all aspects of a divorce case, from the initial filing and discovery to trial and settlement, but they can also help you with other important parts of the process like mediation.
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You and your spouse have been unable to reach an agreement on the divorce issues such as child custody, property division, alimony or debt division through other means like negotiations. If this is the case, mediation can be an excellent alternative to litigation.
Your lawyer can help you with the process of mediation by ensuring you’re making the best decision for your situation. They can also advise you on what to expect during the mediation sessions and how to handle conflicts with your spouse during the session.
A divorce mediator is a neutral third party who can help you and your spouse come to an agreement about the terms of your divorce. They can help you work out a plan that is both fair and legal for both of you and your children.
Mediation can be an effective way to settle your divorce and save you time and money in the long run. The mediator will help you and your spouse discuss important divorce issues such as child custody, asset distribution, spousal support and alimony and then draft a settlement agreement for both parties to sign and submit to the court.
In some states, a judge will order you to participate in court-ordered mediation as a first step in the divorce proceedings. These are more likely to be used for parents with child-custody disputes, couples who need assistance in solving major financial issues and/or couples who have a dispute over how property should be divided.
Often, the best mediators are attorneys who have specialized in divorce law and are specifically trained in mediation. They are fully neutral, have a thorough understanding of divorce law and have extensive experience dealing with financial matters.
The best mediators also have good communication skills and can be compassionate. They will ensure both parties are able to voice their opinions and concerns and that they are treated fairly.
They can also offer additional advice about how to resolve your divorce matters without having to go to court, such as by using a collaborative approach or other means that reduce the cost of litigation.
You and your ex-spouse have an imbalance of power, such as where one spouse dominates the conversation or refuses to give up information that is necessary for the mediation process. This can make it difficult for you and your ex to get along during the mediation session or even after the divorce is finalized.
This is especially true in cases where there is a history of domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse or child neglect or abuse. You and your ex-spouse should consult a family lawyer or a domestic violence advocate if you suspect the other party is abusive.