How to Pass a Psychological Evaluation for Child Custody?
If you are preparing to undergo a psychological evaluation for child custody, it is important that you understand what to expect. The evaluator will look for things like parental alienation, which occurs when one parent tries to damage the relationship with the other parent. This is often manifested by the child knowing vilifying information about the other parent. If the evaluator believes that either parent is guilty of parental alienation, he or she may recommend family therapy, a more involved parenting time schedule, or sole custody. They may also suggest an attorney for the child.
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Tip: Contact a reliable divorce attorney before taking a psychological evaluation
A psychological evaluation for child custody can help the court determine which parent will get custody. However, it is not a guarantee that a parent will lose custody. The purpose of the psychological evaluation is to help the court determine which parent is best for the children. If a parent has a mental illness or unstable mental state, they should not attempt to get the custody of their children through this method.
A good custody evaluation will involve several interviews with each parent. It should last two or three hours. The parents should be told not to embellish the answers and not to guess. It is essential to be completely honest during the evaluation.
Explain your mental health condition to the evaluator
A psychological evaluation for child custody can help a judge decide whether a parent is a fit parent for their child. Psychologists can assess a parent’s abilities and attributes, as well as their mental health. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most common tests used in child custody evaluations. It measures personality traits and identifies potential psychological disorders.
Before requesting a psychological evaluation, consult with a family law attorney about your concerns. An evaluation can be stressful, and parents may feel they need to ‘coach’ their children through the process. However, your attorney can advise you as to how to best explain your mental health condition during the evaluation.
Provide a copy of your mental health records
If you’re facing a child custody battle, it’s a good idea to provide a copy of your mental health records for the court to review. The results of your evaluation will be used to determine which parent is the best fit for the children. While some conditions can be easily managed, others can have devastating consequences. A psychologist can help a court determine whether a parent is mentally unfit for a child.
If your former partner has a history of mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency, or questionable parenting behavior, a judge can order a psychological evaluation. In California, these evaluations are called 730 evaluations. They aim to assess both the mental health of the parent and the parenting skills of the child. If you’re nervous about having to go through the process, you can contact a California family law attorney for guidance.
Bring a copy of your mental health records to the evaluator
If you’re concerned about your former partner’s mental health, your divorce attorney can help you obtain a psychological evaluation. The results of a psych evaluation can help strengthen your case and influence the custody decision. It’s also important to remember that there are some limitations to psychological evaluations.
If the psychologist determining your child custody case has made an inaccurate assessment, you can file an administrative complaint. This complaint will be reviewed by the court and can result in the appointment of a new psychologist. Also, if the psychologist is not acting in good faith, the court will order that both parents complete the evaluation. This will help keep the process fair and deter false claims of mental illness.