Dependency Law: Why You Need a Dependency Attorney?
A dependency case is a lawsuit initiated by the state of Florida. These cases are brought against parents when the state has evidence that their children are in danger. It can result from neglect or abuse, but it can also be the result of someone reporting a child’s abandonment.
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Dependency is a complex legal process and it’s important to hire an attorney to help you through it. This is particularly true if you’re facing allegations of abuse. If you are involved in a case, a lawyer can explain the process to you and advise you on how to best present your case to the court. In many cases, the court will decide if the child will remain with the family or be taken into foster care.
Child dependency can have serious consequences for you and your family. In the case of neglect, for example, the government may be able to take your child from you. You may be asked to pay for his or her out-of-home care or assessed for child support. The state may even seek to terminate your parental rights.
However, you should not assume that the state has a right to take your child. Often, you are the innocent party in a dependency case and you’ll want to have your own lawyer. Not all judges have a full understanding of the legal issues involved in a case involving a minor.
Depending on your situation, you may be entitled to a free legal consultation. This will help you determine whether or not you need an attorney. An attorney can also advise you of the rules of court, including the evidentiary system, and can help you determine if you have a defense.
Dependency lawyers specialize in child custody matters and they can help you gain custody of your child. If you need legal help, contact a Coral Gables dependency attorney. They can protect your rights and help you get the best possible outcome in your case.
As with all types of legal matters, a dependency case can have many different variables. The severity of the allegations and other circumstances can have a major impact on the outcome of your case. Some of the most common scenarios involve a family that makes a lot of inappropriate calls or has a teen who is engaged in a conflict with his or her parent.
Many families need assistance with these issues. There are organizations such as the Child Abuse Hotline that can provide information on how to protect your children. If you suspect that your child is at risk, call the hotline and speak with a clinical social worker who can assess the situation.
Even if you are not the target of a dependency case, you could be the target of a protective custody hearing. Unfortunately, these proceedings can cause delays in returning your child. For this reason, it’s important to hire an attorney to ensure that your child will not end up in foster care or a stranger’s home.