What Does Full Custody of a Child Mean? 

In the United States of America, there is no single statute to define full custody. Instead, it varies from state to state. Some states refer to it as sole legal custody, and others as sole physical custody. A few states may be more specific than others. Nonetheless, there are many general rules of thumb to consider before deciding. 

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The best way to learn what full custody of a child entails is to get acquainted with the laws of the land. Your local attorney can provide you with a better understanding of these laws. It is advisable to consult with a family law attorney before proceeding with a full custody case. Although you may be tempted to try to make your own arrangement, you are probably better off sticking with the court’s version. If you choose to pursue a contested custody case, be prepared for a long and drawn-out legal battle. 

Full custody of a child entails a parent having exclusive authority to make major decisions about the child’s upbringing. This includes, but is not limited to, matters such as medical care, discipline, education, religion, and extracurricular activities. Unlike joint physical custody, which often involves splitting time equally with both parents, full custody is not always the most fair or the most equitable. For example, you may be entitled to supervised visitation or to the right to receive child support, but the decision to award or deny these rights is not up to the court. 

While it is not uncommon for a court to award both parents the same amount of full custody, it is not the norm. Most courts recognize that the relationship between the two parents is beneficial to the children involved, and award joint custody in the spirit of equality. However, it is still common for the non-custodial parent to receive child support from the custodial parent. 

Full custody of a child may be the right answer for a variety of reasons. One reason is that it will place the financial burden of raising a child on one parent rather than both. Another reason is that it can help a parent and child navigate a volatile and stressful situation. Often, parents transition from one house to the other frequently, which can lead to conflict. 

Full custody of a child is not an easy thing to get, but it can be achieved if you’re willing to work at it. You should consider the facts before you file your suit, and be ready to justify your reasons to a judge. Don’t be embarrassed to wear a dress or suit in court. Also, don’t overreact to your ex-spouse’s objections. Having a good attorney can make the difference between a quick settlement and a long legal battle. 

Finally, the best way to determine what full custody of a child entails, is to consider the reasons that the other parent wishes to take it away from you. The other parent may be the better parent for several reasons, such as being the better parent for your child’s health, or being the better parent for your finances. As such, it is a good idea to have a strong and well-thought-out argument when requesting full custody of a child.