What is a Prenuptial Agreement Form?
A prenuptial agreement form is a legal document that couples use to outline what will happen to their assets, debts, and income if they separate or divorce. The document is usually signed before the wedding and can be revoked by either party.
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The form is typically used by couples who have substantial assets or earnings and want to protect those assets in the event of a divorce. It can include provisions regarding child support, alimony and how property should be distributed upon death.
Some couples are young and have not yet accumulated much wealth or debt. They may be getting married because they want to build financial protections for themselves and their children in the event that the marriage fails or one of them dies.
However, some couples are older and have accumulated significant amounts of wealth or debt. They may be getting married to ensure that their assets and debts are divided fairly, especially if one of them has children from a previous relationship.
It is important to discuss your financial situation with your partner before you decide to get married and sign a prenuptial agreement. This is because many marriage disputes revolve around money matters and a good prenuptial agreement can reduce the cost and time of the divorce process.
You can create your own Rocket Lawyer Prenuptial Agreement online, consult with a Rocket Lawyer network attorney if you need help with specific issues and securely eSign the agreement at any time and on any device.
What are the requirements for a valid prenuptial agreement?
Generally, the parties must enter into the prenuptial agreement voluntarily and in full disclosure of their respective situations. If the prenuptial agreement is not entered into with a full and fair disclosure, it can be deemed unenforceable in court.
What types of financial information should be included in the agreement?
Assets, liabilities, and income should be disclosed fully. The information should be described accurately on exhibits that should be signed by the parties to the agreement. If you are unable to provide accurate financial information, the prenuptial agreement can be deemed invalid.
The form should also contain provisions that designate business interests or ownership rights as separate properties. This is to prevent the business from becoming a community property interest in the event of a divorce or separation.
In addition to dividing the business property, you should also make sure that any debts related to the business are designated as separate property so that they do not become part of the marital estate. If the debts are not designated as separate, they will be a part of the marital estate and the party who originally brought them into the marriage will have to pay them back if they are divorced.
The prenuptial agreement should also contain a clause to state that if one spouse commits adultery or another listed reason, the other party forfeits their right to the property of that party. This can be helpful in the event that one spouse is not honest with the other spouse or is otherwise unfaithful.