Mediation in Family Law – What is Mediation for Children? 

One of the many benefits of mediation is that it can help children. Children usually want to have a close relationship with both parents and mediation can help them do that. Mediation can also help with issues like child custody. It can also help with property division and distribution of inherited property. Read on to learn more about mediation for children. 

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Parenting issues 

In family law, mediation is one of many options for parents who are unable to reach an agreement through court. It involves a private process in which participants pay an arbitrator and his or her legal advisers. It also tends to be more informal than a court trial. Families that find mediation beneficial may benefit from the guidance of a trusted religious advisor who can guide them through the difficult times. 

The Family Court usually hires experienced counselors to conduct mediation. These professionals have graduate degrees in counseling and specialized training in child and family issues. These professionals must meet certain standards set by the Family Code, CRC, and Judicial Council. 

Child custody 

When a couple is facing child custody and visitation disputes, a mediator can help them come to an agreement. This can be done without the need for expensive litigation. Parents can discuss their needs and wants with the mediator before a meeting, and the mediator can help them reach a mutual agreement. 

The mediator makes recommendations based on the facts and evidence discussed at the mediation session and what is contained in the court filings. The mediator cannot appoint an expert in child custody issues, but can recommend one if the parties are unable to come to an agreement. For example, a drug addiction expert can help the mediator assess the mother’s ability to care for her child. 

Property division 

Mediation in family law for property division can be a positive option for some couples who want to avoid the high costs and stress of litigation. This option is not appropriate for all couples, however. It requires both parties to reach a reasonable agreement, which is not always possible. A divorce mediator can help guide the parties through this process and reach a mutual agreement. The mediator can help both parties to prioritize their goals and to overcome emotional roadblocks that can make the divorce process more difficult. 

Another advantage of mediation is that it is more affordable than traditional litigation. The mediator can help couples resolve their disputes without the need for attorneys. The process is quick and costs are often kept down. A mediator can help couples decide if mediation is right for their situation. 

Distribution of inherited property 

A dispute over the distribution of inherited property is a common one between family members. If siblings are not in agreement with each other, they can use family law mediation to settle the matter. The best way to do this is by hiring a mediator who is neutral and does not make decisions. Instead, they facilitate discussions and hope to reach a resolution. The mediator will normally be assisted by a solicitor. 

The process of family law mediation allows for parties to come up with solutions that a court would find difficult to implement. For example, spouses may decide to rent out the marital home and share the rental income, or they may decide to divide an asset. The process of mediation is tailored to the parties’ particular circumstances.