What Should I Bring With Me When I Meet With My Attorney To Discuss Divorce?
One of the first things you need to do when you are planning on divorce is to find a qualified and experienced attorney. A good attorney will be able to provide you with a solid plan for your case, and they will also help guide you through this stressful time.
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Your lawyer will be a key player in your divorce, so it is important that you feel comfortable working with them. They should be able to answer your questions clearly and explain their process in a way that is compassionate and sensitive to your emotional state.
During your initial consultation, you will want to ask them some questions to get a feel for their experience and expertise. It is also a good idea to find out how long they have been practicing law. This will give you a better idea of their professionalism and whether they are a good fit for your case.
What Can I Expect From a Divorce?
A typical divorce involves filing for divorce, serving or notifying the other spouse, gathering information, possible temporary orders to address child custody, supporting and managing assets during the divorce, and possibly some form of resolution through a settlement agreement or court hearing.
You should expect to spend a considerable amount of time and money on your divorce, so it is important that you are comfortable with the process. Your lawyer should be able to explain how each aspect of your case works and what steps will need to be taken.
Documents & Info
The attorney needs documents to prove your claims and defend against your spouse’s claims. They will be asking for income tax returns, pay stubs, employment records, and other financial documentation to establish your finances.
They also need information on the division of your marital property, including assets and debts. These can include stocks and other investment accounts, retirement accounts, personal property, real estate, and other items.
Your lawyer will also need copies of all agreements and court judgments related to your marriage. These can include prenuptial agreements, legal separation agreements, and child custody orders.
This will make it easier for the attorney to work on your case and ensure that everything is done correctly.
During this meeting, you may be asked to complete a Statement of Net Worth, which is a sworn document that lists all your income, assets, liabilities, and ongoing expenses. You will also need to provide a copy of any insurance policies that cover your assets, and other documents.
If you have children, your attorney will need a birth certificate and other paperwork related to the children. They will be preparing a parenting plan, so these items are crucial to the process of your divorce.
It is a good idea to put aside your strong emotions when you are dealing with a divorce and work on a plan for the future. Doing so will allow you to remain calm and level-headed during the divorce process, which will ultimately make it go smoother.