What to Request From a Divorce Attorney After a Marital Settlement?
There are many documents that you should request from your divorce attorney after the marital settlement has been reached. These documents may include financial statements, credit card statements, medical records, and much more. Here’s a brief overview of what you should ask for from your attorney. Depending on the terms of your settlement, you may be required to provide additional documents, including copies of these documents. After the divorce is finalized, your divorce attorney will be able to determine the next step in the process.
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Documents to request from divorce attorney after marital settlement
Having a good understanding of the documents to request from a divorce attorney after a marital settlement is crucial for your case. Divorce is one of the most stressful times in a person’s life, and it’s crucial to stay organized throughout the process. It will not only help you feel more in control, but will also save you money. Keep reading to learn about some of the most important documents to request from a divorce attorney after a marital settlement.
Financial statements
When you get divorced, you may wonder what documents to provide your divorce attorney. Here are three crucial documents to submit to the lawyer:
Credit card statements
If your marriage has broken down, you might be wondering which credit card statements to request from divorce attorneys after marital settlement. This type of document is vital to your case because it shows what exactly you and your spouse bought together. It also shows how much money the two of you have spent, which can help your attorneys argue for or against the division of the debt. So, it’s a good idea to present all of these documents to your lawyer for them to go through.
Medical records
When you and your spouse have reached a divorce settlement, it may be necessary to obtain copies of medical records to support your case. You can do so by requesting records through formal discovery requests, such as interrogatories and requests for production of documents. Your divorce attorney may subpoena medical records from providers. You may object to these requests, but relevant information will probably override these objections.
Telephone records
If you are involved in a divorce, it is extremely important to obtain the telephone records of the other party. You can use this information to prove adultery or other charges against your spouse. Even if you are divorcing on no-fault grounds, phone records can be used as evidence in court. You should not hesitate to obtain the records from your spouse if you suspect they are hiding assets or wasting marital assets.