When a Foster Family Changes a Child’s Name is Considered Adoption Law?

If you are thinking about adopting a child and changing their name, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to notify the child’s birth parents and the court. If the birth parents agree, you can change the child’s name legally.

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Fostering a child 

Fostering a child’s name is an option for parents who want to adopt a child who is not yet legal. In some cases, a child can be adopted by a foster family even before the birth parents sign a document terminating their parental rights. However, the adoption process does not start until after a child has been in a foster home for 12 months. 

If you want to adopt a child, you need to first get approval from the Department of Social Services (DHS). You can contact the department by searching under “Local Offices.” Then, you can attend a foster/adoptive parent information meeting. At these meetings, you will learn how to become a legally approved foster family and adopt a child. 

Changing a child’s name 

When deciding whether to change a child’s name after adoption, it’s important to keep in mind the child’s point of view. If the child has a strong connection to their given name, it may be difficult for the adoptive parents to change the child’s name. However, involving the child in the process can help mitigate the negative effects of the name change. 

Although changing a child’s name after the adoption is not a necessity, there are some situations in which it is required. For instance, if the child has been named by the expectant mother before the adoption, the adoptive parents can have the name of the child put on the birth certificate. Changing a child’s name while still an infant is generally a simple process, and requires no special paperwork. Once the child has been adopted, his or her new name is placed on the child’s adoption paperwork. Similarly, the new name will appear on the child’s birth certificate. 

Legal notice required 

If you want to change a child’s name, it is essential to give proper notice to any non-approving parties. A child’s name change is a court process, and you must give notice to non-approving parties to ensure that they have a chance to object. If you are considering changing the name of your foster child, you should contact the court for more information. 

To change a child’s name, you must first obtain the consent of the child’s father. However, there are a few special circumstances in which name changes without the father’s consent are possible. For instance, a woman who has been convicted of a crime must show that the name she chose for her child would cause irreparable harm to the child if it continued to be used. 

Getting consent from birth parents 

If you’re a foster family trying to change a child’s name, the first thing you need to do is get the consent of the birth parents. You can request consent from the biological parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian if the child is still living. Often, these parties will give written consent. This consent needs to be signed in front of a Notary and given to the clerk along with the petition. 

The consent must be in writing and signed by the birth mother and two other adults. These witnesses should not be the prospective adoptive parents, nor should they be attorneys representing the adoption petition. After the consent is written, it must be filed with the court within three days. 

Legal risk of adoption 

Changing a child’s name is a legal risk in adoption. The Department of Human Services strongly recommends that prospective adoptive families consult an attorney before making this decision. A qualified attorney can provide an unbiased assessment of the risks. However, prospective adoptive families may not be aware of this risk. 

Although the vast majority of children who are placed in legal risk placements are eventually free for adoption, this process can take up to a year. In the meantime, the child stays in foster care and sees his or her birth parents. During this period, prospective adoptive families may only consider a small number of children.