Factors Used in Deciding Which Court Would Hear a Child Custody Case?
When there is a custody dispute, the judge must decide which parent is best suited to raise the child. The judge will look at a variety of factors to make this decision. Some of the factors that are commonly considered are listed below, but the court can also consider many other factors in making a final decision.
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The physical health of a parent can play a role in determining custody. If a parent suffers from a physical disability, the parent may be unable to care for their child. If the physical health of the parent becomes a significant issue, the court may order that the parents seek therapy or treatment. The substance abuse of a parent can also be a factor. In these cases, the parent will be ordered to undergo drug testing.
Other important factors that the court will consider include the quality of the relationship between the parent and the child. If the parent has been hostile or argumentative with the other parent, the judge will take notice. They will also look for evidence that the parent has attempted to alienate the other parent. If there is evidence of this, the court will likely not be favorably inclined toward the other parent.
The court will also consider the parenting skills of the parent. For example, if the parents are not cooperating, the judge will likely not give custody to the other parent. If the parent has a history of alcohol or drug abuse, they will be less likely to be able to be a good provider for the child.
The judge will also take into consideration the emotional bond between the parent and the child. If the child feels that one parent is more supportive of their religion than the other, the judge will probably be willing to give the child more time with that parent.
The home environment of the parent is also a factor. If the home is chaotic and the parents are having a difficult time adjusting to it, the child may not have a stable home. It is also a good idea to consider the mental health of the parents. If a parent suffers from psychiatric problems or has a history of substance abuse, the other parent may be more able to be a good parent.
Finally, the parent’s behavior during the court hearing can influence how the court decides on custody. If the parent has been abrasive or argumentative, the other parent will be more likely to win the case. Similarly, if the parent is being violent, the other parent will be less likely to win custody.
Lastly, the judge will take into account the financial status of the parent. The parent who has a better home or has a better financial status will have an advantage in a custody case. For example, if the parent has better finances, the parent will be able to offset any disparity in income by receiving child support from the other parent.