Who Can Attend Child Custody Mediation?
Whether you’re considering divorce or dealing with a child custody issue, mediation can be a useful way to resolve conflicts without spending a fortune on litigation. Mediation can also help you to formulate an agreement that you can then have the court sign off on. However, if you’re unsure whether mediation will be effective for your situation, it may be a good idea to consult with a lawyer to learn more about the procedure.
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Mediation is usually a one-on-one meeting with the mediator. This meeting is meant to help the parents to reach an agreement. However, it may also involve the mediator interviewing each child involved in the case.
The goal of mediation is to help the parents resolve their differences so that they can come to an agreement about custody and visitation. The mediator will help the parents work together to reach an agreement and will help the parents to craft a parenting plan that will help them to work together for the benefit of their child. However, the mediator cannot be subpoenaed to testify in court. During mediation, the mediator will also have suggestions for how to handle issues such as child support payments.
There are two types of mediation, the court ordered and private. Court ordered mediation will be ordered by the court and is typically free. However, there are limitations to the amount of time the mediation will last. If you want to have more time, you may need to pay a fee. The fee is usually on a sliding scale based on your income.
Private mediation tends to be more effective. It also gives you more say in the process. In fact, you may even be able to bring an additional support person to the mediation. The mediator will work with both parents to come to an agreement and can even give a written recommendation to the court.
There are many advantages to mediation, such as saving money and avoiding the stress of waiting in a courtroom. There are many trained child custody mediators who are experts in the field and can help you to come to an agreement. However, it is important to note that court-ordered mediation isn’t always effective since there are limitations to the amount of time the process can take.
The most important thing to remember about mediation is that it is confidential. The information you reveal to the mediator is highly confidential and cannot be shared with the other party without permission. This is one of the reasons mediation is so successful.
The best part about mediation is that it is usually less expensive for the parents than court-ordered mediation. In fact, private mediation tends to be more effective because the parents have more control over the decision-making process. Depending on the mediation scheme you choose, you may be able to schedule additional mediation sessions on days and times that are most convenient for you and your child.
Mediation is also a good way to learn more about legal rights and obligations you may not have known you had. It may be a good idea to discuss your options with an attorney before and after the mediation process to ensure that you haven’t waived any rights or responsibilities.