Who Pays Child Support in 50/50 Custody?
In a 50/50 custody case, the higher-earning parent is more likely to pay child support. The reason for this is that the higher-earning parent is likely to spend more money on the children, and the purpose of child support orders is to ensure that both parents can afford to meet their children’s basic needs.
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The court will calculate child support based on the custodial schedule and the parties’ gross incomes (which include salaries, commissions, bonuses, rental income, and other items). It may also consider other deductions, such as taxes and spousal or alimony pendent lite/alimony received.
One of the main reasons that a person requests a 50/50 custody split is because they think they’re going to lose custody or don’t have the resources to fight for it. This is a common misconception that many people have, and if you’re in this situation, it’s best to talk with a family law attorney about your rights and options.
A 50/50 custody split is usually in the best interests of the child because it allows the children to spend an equal amount of time with each parent. This can allow them to get close to both parents and develop strong relationships with each of them.
Ideally, a 50/50 custody arrangement works best when both parents live near the child and in a safe environment. They also have a good relationship with each other and can communicate effectively about schedules and other important issues.
It is possible to get 50/50 custody if the parents live in different cities or even different states, so long as they are within a reasonable distance of each other. Judges will typically approve this arrangement when it’s in the best interests of the children.
The 50/50 custody arrangement may also help to reduce child support, as the two parents will share a greater percentage of the children’s expenses. This can help to reduce child support payments for the lower-earning parent.
Some people are surprised to learn that child support may be reduced in a 50/50 custody situation. In fact, this is not always the case and it depends on how much each parent earns.
In most cases, the parent who earns more money must still pay child support, unless he or she can prove that the reduction would not negatively impact the children’s life. This can be a difficult issue to overcome, and it’s worth contacting an experienced family lawyer to discuss your case.
If the higher-earning parent pays child support, the lower-earning parent can request that he or she receives additional child support to offset the difference between the two households’ combined incomes. This can be done in certain situations, such as if the child is emancipated, or when the child graduates from high school.
The courts can also order the non-custodial parent to pay a smaller amount of child support than the custodial parent in some other circumstances. These are referred to as “equitable” child support arrangements.