How Do I Transfer a Family Law Case From One County to Another?
How do I transfer a family law case from one county? This article will walk you through the process of moving a case from one county to another. We will also go over which Courts accept family law cases and which ones do not. Once you have the information you need to move your case, you can start the process. After that, you can contact the court in the county you are interested in.
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Change of venue
If you’re going through a divorce or child custody dispute, you’re probably wondering if you can change the venue of your family law case from one county to another. Often, a divorce case will last for several months or even years. And during this time, many changes in your family’s dynamic will occur, including the relocation of either spouse or co-parent. While there are legal barriers to changing the venue of your divorce, there are ways to get the results you want.
Process of moving a family law case from one county to another
Moving your family law case from one county to another requires several steps. First, you need to contact the old county’s courthouse and request a transfer. Once the transfer is granted, the new county will notify the original courthouse that the case is being transferred. If the original county declines to transfer the case, it will remain in its jurisdiction. The new county’s judge will then need to contact the original county to request the transfer. If the case is not transferred, it will remain in the original county.
Courts that accept family law cases
Some courts take family law cases from one county and file them in another. The California Family Law Courts and the Superior Court of Orange County accept family law cases from other counties, but the rules vary. In Orange County, a Family Law Facilitator will help the parties work through the family law issues. These facilitators are not attorneys and are not permitted to give legal advice. But they do provide a wealth of information to those who are pro se litigants and are not familiar with the local family law courts.
Courts that don’t
If you have a family law case in another county, you may be able to get a court order transferring it to that location. These orders are generally not granted automatically. You may have to wait until the court has approved the transfer and then apply for it. The process may take months, but it will be worth it in the end. The courts will not transfer family law cases unless the parties agree to them.