There are many things a divorce attorney should never tell a client. This includes anything pertaining to assets, money, or an affair. It can also include a broader range of information such as a lawyer’s qualifications or past cases. Read on to learn about the specific things you shouldn’t tell your divorce attorney. You may find it surprising that some of these things are common knowledge. But if you’re looking to avoid these pitfalls, consider these tips.
Lie to a divorce attorney
What happens when you lie to a divorce attorney? In the event that your spouse is caught lying in court, you will have to tell the judge and tell your spouse the truth, or you will have to face the consequences. Perjury is considered a federal crime, but a civil court will only punish a spouse if they lie. The penalties for perjury can be harsh. In some instances, a spouse can face prison time or fines, but only if they lied to the judge.
Don’t hide assets
While discussing a divorce, you should keep an eye out for assets your spouse is hiding. Many spouses hide assets in an effort to cushion the financial blow of divorce. But in New York, all property acquired during the marriage is considered marital property, and is subject to equitable distribution, meaning the assets will be divided in a way the court finds fair. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, you should speak with your divorce attorney immediately.
Don’t hide money
Don’t hide money from your divorce attorney! Many people hide money, but it is not easy to do. There are many ways to avoid paying taxes, including by not opening a new bank account in your name. Another common mistake is hiding cash in a savings account. Your spouse might try to cover their tracks by setting up a new account in their name, “loaning” money to a friend, or destroying grocery receipts. This can be tricky to uncover, and can lead to serious legal trouble for your marriage.
Don’t hide an affair
When a spouse is having an affair, it can be tempting to keep it hidden from their spouse and from their divorce attorney. The affair can be embarrassing, and the spouse may want to avoid punishment or appear less guilty. But while denying an affair may make you look good to those closest to you, it can hurt the relationship with your children. It’s better to be honest about your affair than to avoid it altogether.
Don’t bring a friend to meetings with a divorce attorney
There are many reasons why you shouldn’t bring a friend to meetings with your divorce attorney. First, it can be distracting. Your friend’s opinions can differ greatly from yours, and they can influence the conversation. Also, a third party’s presence can interfere with the attorney-client privilege, which prevents the attorney from disclosing confidential information. You also don’t want a friend to make the decision for you, as the divorce attorney is responsible for ensuring that your interests are served.
Don’t hide debts
Your divorce attorney will warn you that it is not a good idea to hide assets or debts during the divorce. This is because your attorney has many tools at his or her disposal to uncover these hidden details. They may conduct financial investigations and depositions to reveal hidden assets. Additionally, you can damage your credibility by lying about your debts and assets. Here are some ways to avoid lying and hiding assets during the divorce.
(For more articles like this, click here: What to Look for in a Divorce Attorney?)