How to Find the Best Divorce Attorney?

After narrowing down your choices of divorce attorneys, it is time to interview each candidate. While some divorce attorneys offer free consultations, you will likely want to budget for a paid meeting. During this interview, you will learn about the type of divorce you are seeking and how your chosen attorney will handle the process. Additionally, you can probe each attorney’s experience, approach, and willingness to work with you. Moreover, you should make sure that the attorney you hire will charge you according to the amount of time he/she will spend on your case. 


(Missoula Attorney at S. DeBoer Attorney at Law are committed to helping you face your family legal matters with expert legal assistance.)


Free initial consultations 

Many divorce attorneys offer free initial consultations. You will probably be asked many questions about your situation, including the type of divorce you are seeking and the costs involved. These meetings should last about fifteen to thirty minutes, and you can be sure that you won’t be wasting your time. While some of these consultations are sales pitches, they aren’t the most effective way to decide if you want to hire a divorce attorney. 

While a free initial consultation is a great opportunity for you to meet an attorney, you should make sure to bring any relevant financial documents. If you want to get an accurate estimate of the alimony you may be due, you should bring three months’ worth of paystubs. This will help the attorney get a clearer picture of your finances and determine how much you can expect to pay. However, it’s important to remember that you should never disclose personal information to a lawyer during a free initial consultation. 

Interviewing prospective attorneys 

When you have selected your short list of prospective divorce attorneys, it is time to interview them. Ideally, you should set up a consultation with the top three candidates. You can schedule the initial consultation for free if the attorney you’re considering offers this service. It is also a good idea to budget time for these meetings, since these will give you a chance to discuss your divorce-related concerns in more detail. You should ask questions to gauge whether the attorney you’ve selected feels comfortable and understands the needs of your case. 

Before making the final decision, you should conduct an initial consultation with each prospective attorney. While you may be tempted to conduct an online search and find the first name that comes to your mind, you may find that you’re not compatible with a particular attorney. Instead, conduct a phone interview with a few of these attorneys and observe their demeanor. This will allow you to determine whether you’d feel comfortable with their approach and whether they have the experience and reputation you need. 

Checking for conflicts of interest 

When hiring a divorce attorney, you should look for conflicts of interest. Some attorneys may be involved in other legal matters, such as a client’s business. This can hurt the outcome of your case. For instance, an attorney who represents a client’s business may have a conflict of interest if the attorney also represented the business’s owner in a divorce. Another conflict of interest may exist if the attorney represents a spouse who has already spoken to him or her. 

One way to avoid this is to make sure that your attorney has no financial conflicts. For instance, a lawyer can’t represent both spouses in a divorce. A family lawyer cannot represent both parties in a divorce. They can also have a conflict if they are representing children or grandparents. This is especially true if the attorney is serving as a GAL for the children. This is because the lawyer is implicitly or explicitly agreeing to provide you with advice or assistance you need. 

Asking for references 

One of the most important things to ask when hiring a divorce attorney is whether they have handled cases similar to yours. A good lawyer has a history of successfully resolving cases similar to yours. You want someone who will stand up for your rights and work hard to make your divorce go as smoothly as possible. The first thing you should do is find out who their clients are. This way, you can avoid the pitfalls that come with choosing an attorney based on price. 

You can also ask previous clients of a divorce attorney to give you their honest opinions. If you’re not comfortable talking to past clients, you can try looking online for reviews. Check with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints against a divorce attorney or law firm. Ask about the years of experience the attorney has. Consider whether he has experience in other areas of family law, like mediation or setting out of court.